Wednesday, February 23, 2011

This last week we went to Utah to meet our niece. She is adorable and we completely fell in love with her, how could you not look at this face!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I don't really have anything interesting going on, so I thought I would share just some of the things that go through my head during the day.

Oh five more minutes..five more minutes..what are my girls doing in there..Oh gosh I have to clean this room..maybe when bri gets home from work, I can get him to help me move some furniture..What am I going to do with the twins room..Oh my gosh I love my girls..I love those smiley baby is getting so big..stay little..I need to start potty training her..mmm pancakes sound so good, no better stick with cereal and fruit..need to loose more weight..girls better not eat on the couch..need to clean the couch..are those hand prints on the wall..what is that smell..not Dora again..i guess it is better then gabba gabba..why does Dora always yell..when is nap time..snack time we have anything healthy to give you..I need to fix that picture, its glad the I have they have an amazing imagination..what IS that smell...wish I had a house and a yard...miss my hubby...need to shower..wish I was as creative as this tired..wish my twins would nap..maybe we should do a play date..who should I call...what day is it..oh no don't touch is so cold..I love those the day is going by fast, I love that..i should probably get out of my pajamas...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

On this Valentine's Day I am grateful to have him and my girls for eternity. 
I love you my family! Happy Valentines Day and I wish all of you one too.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Today I took all my girls to Walmart, it was an experience,
first some crazy lady tried to run me off the isle with her cart. LOL you know who you are! 
Then we were heading to go check out and all of a sudden my twins yell out "He's hot!" and of course Chloe copies everything the twins say so she is yelling "Hot!, Hot!, Hot!"
I was so confused about what they were talking about I turned around and there in the posters was....

WHAT! Are you kidding me!
 I swear they didn't here that from me!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

My oldest girls started ballet class a few weeks ago and they LOVE it. I just want to share some of my favorite pictures of their first class. I love having girls! 

And poor Chloe has to wait one more year.
But isn't she so cute!